Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Never forget that. You are the reason for someone’s smile. You are the sunshine of a person’s life, their happiness, you are everything to them. Believe it or not but you are. When they wake up, they think of you, when they walk, the walk with you, when they sleep, they dream about you. You are the reason for someone’s smile. You are the reason why people keep on going, keep on fighting. They keep up with the struggle, they keep up with the bullshit ‘cause they know they have you. You are the reason for someone’s smile. You have cause that in people, it’s contagious, it’s desirable. We don’t complain because we love that feeling, to know you are the reason for a person’s smile is just out of this world. To know you can have that effect on people is outstanding, it’s just something we seek out in life. To be a reason for something better, something much more is the main goal. You are the reason for someone’s smile and don’t change the way you are, don’t change the way you treat people. You have a gift, cherish it and keep close to your heart because not many people can say they have that ability. Live your life to the fullest and keep on making people smile because you are the reason for someone’s smile.

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